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Links to Sample Ceremonies


The following links will give you sample ceremonies from which you may choose various elements in your Wedding Ceremony and Nuptial Mass if so desired.  The length of each is somewhat dependent upon other factors such as large bridal parties and the types of additional ceremonies included.  We make every effort to meet both the time restraints placed by the venue and weather conditions. 


Wedding Ceremony (English) This is the usual ceremony used when the couple chooses not to have a Nuptial Mass.  The ceremony itself runs approximately 25-30 minutes including the walking in and out.  In this ceremony you have options for prayers, readings, vows and blessings.  There are also links to addition optional ceremonies like Hand Fasting, Hand Blessings, Sand Ceremony, Wine Ceremonies, etc.


Wedding Ceremony: (Spanish/English) This is the usual ceremony when the couple chooses not to have a Nuptial Mass.  The ceremony itself runs approximately 25-30 minutes including the walking in and out.  In this ceremony you have options for prayers, readings, vows and blessings.


Nuptial Mass (English)  This is a Wedding Mass with communion.  It runs approximately 45-60 minutes.  In this sample you have options for prayers, readings, a Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia verse as well as vows and blessings. There are also links to addition optional ceremonies like Hand Fasting, Hand Blessings, Sand Ceremony, Wine Ceremonies, etc.


Nuptial Mass (Spanish/English)  This is a Wedding Mass with communion.  It runs approximately 45-60 minutes.  In this sample you have options for prayers, readings, a Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia verse as well as vows and blessings.


Catholic/Orthodox Ceremony:  This ceremony combines both Orthodox and Catholic traditions including the Crowns and Dance of Isaiah.  This ceremony runs approximately 30-40 minutes and includes options for prayers, readings, vows and blessings.


Catholic/Jewish Ceremony:  This ceremony combines Jewish and Catholic traditions and is usually co-officiated with a rabbi.  This ceremony if one in which couples work with both the rabbi and priest to develop a ceremony.


Catholic/Moslem Ceremony:  This ceremony combines elements of of both Islamic and Catholic traditions.  It may be done with or without and Imam and seeks to be sensitive to both traditions.


Rehearsal Walk Through.  Because of distance the priest needs to travel, this is often not practical.  He relies on the site coordinator to walk you through the basics and the priest will walk you through the ceremony itself.  See more information on running a rehearsal at Rehearsal Outline



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